CE认证机构-南京睿督 025-8658 3475


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ETAG 006
Systems of mechanically fastened flexible roof waterproofing membrances-Systems of machanically fastened flexible roog waterproofing membrances including the systems of fastening,jointing and edging, and sometimes thermal insulation,limited to continuous watertight system based on flexible sheets(for roof waterproofing)
Inspection Body FPC Certification Body(System 2+)
ETAG 003
Internal partition kits-Internal partition kits(for uses subject to reaction to reaction to fire requirements).
Inspection Body Test Laboratory Product Certification Body(System 1)
ETAG 003
Internal partition kits-Internal partition kits(for fire compartmentation).
Test Laboratory(Syetem 3)
ETAG 003
Internal partition kits-Internal partition kits(for uses subject to regulations on dangerous substances).
Test Laboratory(Syetem 3)
ETAG 003
Internal partition kits-Internal partition kits(for uses liable to present safety-in-use risks and subject to such regulations).
Test Laboratory(Syetem 3)
Structural metallic products and ancillaries-structural metallic sections/profiles:hot rolled,cold formed or otherwise producted sections/profiles with various shapes(T,L,H,U,Z,I,channels,angle,hollow,tubes),flat products(plate,sheet,strip),bars,castings,forging made of various matallic materials,unprotected or protected against corrosion by coating(to be used in metal structures or composite metal and concrete structures)
Inspection Body FPC Certification Body(System 2+)
Structural metallic products and ancillaries-structural metallic sections/profiles:hot rolled,cold formed or otherwise producted sections/profiles with various shapes(T,L,H,U,Z,I,channels,angle,hollow,tubes),flat products(plate,sheet,strip),bars,castings,forging made of various matallic materials,unprotected or protected against corrosion by coating(to be used in metal structures or composite metal and concrete structures)
Inspection Body FPC Certification Body(System 2+)

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