CE marking concerning for the Construction Product (No.305/2011/EU-CPR) including wallpapers, insulation, flooring, fibers, window and door, Geotextile, pigments, etc
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CE Certificate for Wallcoverings--EN15102:2007+A1:2011
Published:2013-10-15 11:49:34   Read:2394

1. Standard brief & Scope—EN15102:2007+A1:2011 (CE Certificate for Wallcoverings)
EN15102:2007+A1:2011—Decorative wallcoverings Roll and panel form products.
Decorative wall covering include: interior walls wallpaper, interior ceilings wallpaper, partitions wallpaper, wall covering etc. The EN15102:2007+A1:2011 standard replaces EN 15102:2007.

2. Standard mandatory date (CE Certificate for Wallcoverings)
Form 1st, January 2010, all the wall covering products which will be sold in EU market must be applied CE marking according to EN 15102:2007+A1:2011.

3. Systems of attestation of conformity (AoC) (CE Certificate for Wallcoverings)
According to table ZA.2 in Chapter ZA.2 of EN 15102, the system(s) of attestation of conformity should be System 1 or System 3 (depended on the classification of reaction to fire). From 1 July 2013, Construction products Regulation (EU) No 305/2011-(CPR:305/2011/EU) of the European parliament and of the council of 9 March 2011 laying down harmonized conditions for the marketing of construction products and repealing Council Construction products Directive 89/106/EEC-(CPD:89/106/EEC).

4. Performance characteristics & test method (CE Certificate for Wallcoverings)
Reaction to fire: EN 13501-1
Release of formaldehyde: EN 12149, Test C
Heavy metals and specific elements: EN 12149, Test A
Release of vinyl chloride monomer: EN 12149, Test B

Other standard for wallcoverings

BS EN 233-1999: Title Identifier Wallcoverings in roll form. Specification for finished wallpapers, wall vinyls and plastics wallcoverings

GB 8624-2006: Classification for burning behavior of building materials and products.

DIN EN 233-1999: Wall coverings in roll form-Specification for finished wallpapers, wall vinyls and plastics wallcoverings

DIN EN 259-1-2001: Wallcovering in roll form-Heavy duty wall wallcoverings-Part 1: Specification.

GB 8624-2006: Classification for burning behavior of building materials and products.

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