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EN 13381-1为结构构件用水平防护膜的耐火性能,我司与英国UKAS资质实验室合作十多年,专业从事EN 13381-1结构构件耐火性能,更多关于EN13381-1, EN 13381-2, EN 13381-3, EN 13381-4, EN 13381-5, EN 13381-6, EN 13381-7,EN 13381-8等标准耐火测试,南京睿督公司免费咨询电话:025-8658 3475。
EN 13381-1:2014结构构件耐火性能
EN 13381-1:2014 Test methods for determining the contribution to the fire resistanceof structural members-Part 1: Horizontal protective membranes.
EN 13381-1:2014 测定结构构件耐火性能的试验方法,第1部分:水平防护膜
EN 13381-1结构构件耐火性能标准适用范围
EN 13381-1 this European Standard specifies a test method for determining theability of a horizontal protective membrane, when used as a fire resistant barrier,to contribute to the fire resistance of standard horizontal structural buildingmembers as defined in 6.4.2
Test of horizontal protective membrane installed under a specific non-standardfloor should be tested according to EN 1365-2
EN 13381-1:2014 Horizontal protective membranes
EN 13381-2 Vertical protective membranes
EN 13381-3 Applied protection to concrete members,
EN 13381-4 Applied passive protection to steel members,
EN 13381-5 Applied protection to concrete/profiled sheet steel composite members,
EN 13381-6 Applied protection to concrete filled hollow steel columns,
EN 13381-7 Applied protection to timber members,
EN 13381-8 Applied reactive protection to steel members,
英国UKAS资质 http://www.firete.com/accredited_laboratory/426.html
更多关于BS EN 13381-1:2014结构构件耐火性能及英国UKAS资质耐火测试,请咨询南京睿督公司
南京睿督公司咨询电话:025-8658 3475 400-603-6575
网址: www.fire-test.com www.fire-test.cn