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PC阳光板是由聚碳酸酯和添加剂经过挤压成型而成,PC阳光板具有高透光,抗冲击等性能,被广泛应用于温室,日光浴室,体育场馆采光顶,温室采光顶棚,仓库采光顶等。多层PC阳光板是指有两层平行的阳光板通过垂直的壁连接而成,多层PC阳光板CE认证标准:EN 16153:2013+A1:2015,实心PC板CE认证标准:EN 16240:2013,南京睿督公司欧盟CE认证专家,为您提供欧盟公告号实验室签发的权威专业的CE证书。咨询电话:025-8658 3475。
1. PC阳光板CE认证标准
EN 16240:2013 Light transmitting flat solid polycarbonate (PC) Sheets for internal and external use in roofs, walls and ceilings-Requirements and test methods.
EN 16153:2013+A1:2015 Light transmitting flat multiwall polycarbonate (PC) Sheets for internal and external use in roofs, walls and ceilings-Requirements and test methods.
2. EN 16240:2013 PC阳光板CE认证适用范围
EN 16240:2013-This European Standard specifies the requirements for light transmitting flat solid polycarbonate (PC) sheets for internal and external use in wall, roof and ceilings.
EN 16240:2013-This European Standard applies to light transmitting flat extruded solid pc sheets of minimum thickness 2mm, without or with uniform functional layers (e.g. coating, co-extruded layer) made from PC-based or other materials.
It also specifies the test methods needed for the evaluation of conformity and marking of the sheets.
3.EN 16153:2013 PC阳光板CE认证适用范围
EN 16153:2013-This European Standard specified the requirements for light transmitting flat multiwall polycarbonate (PC) sheets for internal and external use in wall, roofs and ceilings.
This European Standard applies to light transmitting flat extruded multiwall PC sheets with or without functional layers (e.g. coating, co-extruded layer) made from PC-base or other material, without filling materials.
It also specifies the test methods needed for the evaluation of conformity and marking of the sheets.
从2013年7月1日起,欧盟强制实施建筑产品CPR法规(Construction Product Regulation简称No.305/2011/EU-CPR法规) ,新的CPR法规取代之前的CPD指令(Construction Product Directive简称CPD:89/106/EEC指令) ,EN 16153:2013+A1:2015多层阳光板,属于欧盟建筑产品法规CPR管控范围内,于09/2015开始强制实施,出口欧盟的PC阳光板需要通过CE认证,加贴CE标识才可以进入欧盟市场。
4. EN 16240:2013/EN 16153:2013+A1:2015–PC阳光板适用范围
5. PC阳光板CE认证
EN 16153:2013+A1:2015有3种认证类型:System 1,System 3和System 4
EN 16240:2013有3种认证类型:System 1,System 3和System 4
6. CPR法规CE认证模式
System 1+ :实施型式检验,确定产品类型+验厂+持续监督+NB发证
System 1 :实施型式检验,确定产品类型+验厂+ NB发证
System 2+:验厂+ NB发证
System 3 :实施型式检验,确定产品类型+NB发证
System 4:实施型式检验,生产商申明
7. PC阳光板相关检测标准
GB/T 35513.1-2017 塑料 聚碳酸酯(PC)模塑和挤出材料 第1部分:命名系统和分类基础
GB/T 35450-2017 聚碳酸酯薄膜及片材
GB/T 35513.2-2017 塑料 聚碳酸酯(PC)模塑和挤出材料 第2部分:试样制备和性能测试
GB/T 35516-2017 LED灯罩用光扩散聚碳酸酯
BS EN 16240-2013 屋顶、墙壁和天花板内外用光线传输平坦坚实的聚碳酸酯(PC)板.试验方法和要求
EN 16153:2013+A1:2015 PC阳光板是由聚碳酸酯和添加剂经过挤压成型而成
CPR法规 http://www.hksmartps.com/ce/cpr/
建材CE认证 http://www.hksmartps.com/ce
南京睿督公司咨询电话:025-8658 3475 400-603-6575
网址:www.hksmartps.com www.fire-test.cn