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ü Mark认证为德国DIBT认证,DIBt是德国建筑技术研究院(Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik)的简称,该机构成立于1951年,是EOTA (European Organisation for Technical Approvals) 和 UEAtc (The European Union of Agrément).的重要组织成员。南京睿督公司为您提供ü Mark认证(德国DIBt认证),咨询电话:025-8658 3475。
DIBt认证是针对建筑类产品的一种产品认证,主要关注产品的有害物质挥发,如甲醛释放量、有机挥发物等。中国企业建筑类产品必须在CE认证的基础上通过DIBt认证才能销售到德国市场。咨询电话:025-8658 3475。
German DIBt institute in Berlin, a public agency for construction products, used this approach for requiring low VOC emissions for CE marked floorings that are used in Germany. Now all floorings sold in Europe have to carry a CE mark in showing compliance with EN 14041. But for being installed in German buildings, these have to be approved by DIBt after fulfilling the supplementary DIBt requirements on emissions and carry the ü mark.
Please find here latest notified version of DIBt regulation (2009/0162).
This regulation is valid also for parquet floorings (EN 14342), parquet coatings, other flooring adhesives, some other products, such as resin floorings, wall coverings, sports floors, and some more. External certification is not be required for coatings and adhesives. Instead, re-testing every five years will do.
New since 2014: Wall coverings
Wall coverings are included since 01. January 2014. This includes products as specified in EN 15102:
All wallpapers not made entirely of paper; this means vinyl, textile, cork products etc.
Wallpapers made entirely of paper are included only if they are made as a photoprint.
Barrier to trade?
The European Commission requests Germany "to remove barriers to trade" and "to change current rules and practices (Bauregellisten) concerning construction products which today impose additional requirements for products covered by European harmonised standards, and bearing the CE marking. Such additional requirements are in breach of EU Single Market rules." Please see here more details. But as long as the EU did not yet win a cause at European Court, this national legislation is mandatory for th econcerned products.
EN14041地板CE认证 http://www.firete.com/ce/1439.html
EN14342实木地板CE认证 http://www.firete.com/ce/1438.html
EN15102壁纸CE认证 http://www.firete.com/ce/1447.html
德国DIBT认证 http://www.firete.com/news/zhengce/7558.html
更多关于建筑产品德国ü Mark认证/德国DIBt认证,请咨询南京睿督公司
中国防火网免费咨询电话:400-666-7290 025-8658 3475