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ü Mark认证是德国DIBt针对建筑产品的一种强制性认证。德国ü Mark认证主要关注产品的有害物质挥发,如甲醛释放量、有机挥发物等。中国企业建筑类产品必须在欧盟公告号认可的CE认证的基础上通过DIBt认证才能销售到德国市场。更多关于德国强制性认证-ü Mark认证的详细内容,请咨询电话:025-8658 3475。
DIBt是德国建筑技术研究院(Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik)的简称,该机构成立于1951年,是EOTA (European Organisation for Technical Approvals) 和 UEAtc (The European Union of Agrément)的重要组织成员。南京睿督公司为您提供ü Mark认证(德国DIBt认证),咨询电话:025-8658 3475。
从2005年起,强化地板、PVC地板、弹性地板、地毯到德国需要强制进行ü Mark认证。
从2011年起,实木地板及实木复合地板,在德国强制要求进行ü Mark认证。
从2011年起,实木复合地板粘合剂和涂料,在德国强制要求进行ü Mark认证。
从2012年起,地板胶,地板垫层,在德国强制要求进行ü Mark认证。
从2014年起,德国强制要求壁纸进行ü Mark认证。
ü mark of conformity
The European Construction Products Regulation (CPR) describes the fundamental requirements on hygiene, health and environment protection. In Germany, the approval principles for health-evaluation of construction products by the German Institute for Structural Engineering (DIBt) specify these, especially concerning emissions.
So in Germany, for reasons of health and environment, the ü mark of conformity on the basis of a national technical approval (abZ) is required for
since 2005, resilient, textile and laminate floor coverings (EN 14041)
since 2011, parquet and wood flooring (EN 14342)
since 2011, parquet adhesives and coatings
since 2012, floor covering adhesives and flooring underlays
since 2014 on wall coverings.
Note: The ü mark of conformity on the basis of the abZ is compulsory for those products for interior use. That means: who uses products without ü mark which are nevertheless sold in DIY stores, for example, defies the Building Regulations of the Land.
NEWS: New regulations in Germany for wall covering manufacturers
Since January 1, 2014, only DIBt approved wall coverings can be sold for indoor use in Germany.
The German Institute for Structural Engineering (DIBt) requires emissions tests for VOCs to be performed on wall coverings in test chambers according to the ISO 16000 standard.
This now applies to products as specified in EN 15102 including:
Cylindrical and plate-type shaped paneling made from:
Synthetic and cork materials
Glass fibre
Photo wallpaper
Wall coverings made of paper or wood-based materials are not affected by this regulation nor are textile wall coverings.
EN14041地板CE认证 http://www.firete.com/ce/1439.html
EN14342实木地板CE认证 http://www.firete.com/ce/1438.html
EN15102壁纸CE认证 http://www.firete.com/ce/1447.html
德国DIBT认证 http://www.firete.com/news/zhengce/7558.html
更多关于壁纸,实木地板,实木复合地板,强化地板,PVC地板等产品申请德国ü Mark认证的详细内容,请咨询南京睿督公司
南京睿督公司免费咨询电话:025-8658 3475 400-603-6575