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发布日期:2023-1-30 9:30:09   阅读次数:2267

Tightness and pressure tests气密性和压力试验标准

DIN EN 1026 2000-09 Windows and doors - Air permeability - Test method 
DIN EN 1027 2000-09 Windows and doors - Watertightness - Test method 
DIN EN 1294 2000-07 Door leaves - Determination of the behaviour under humidity variations in successive uniform climates
DIN EN 12114 2000-04 Thermal performances of buildings - Air permeability of building components and building elements - Laboratory test method 
DIN EN 12153 2000-09 Curtain walling - Air permeability - Test methods 
DIN EN 12155 2000-10 Curtain walling - Water tightness - Laboratory test under static pressure 
DIN EN 12179 2000-09 Curtain walling - Resistance to wind load - Test method
DIN EN 12211 2000-12 Windows and doors - Resistance to wind load - Test method 
DIN EN 12427 2000-11 Industrial, commercial and garage doors and gates - Air permeability - Test method 
DIN EN 12445 2001-02 Industrial, commercial and garage doors and gates - Safety in use of power operated doors - Test methods 

DIN EN 12489 2000-11 Industrial, commercial and garage doors and gates - Resistance to water penetration - Test methods 
DIN EN 12605 2000-08 Industrial, commercial and garage doors and gates - Mechanical aspects - Test methods 
DIN EN 12865 2001-07 Hygrothermal performance of building components and building elements - Determination of the resistance of external wall systems to driving rain under pulsating air pressure 
DIN EN 12978 2009-10 Industrial, commercial and garage doors and gates - Safety devices for power operated doors and gates - Requirements and test methods 
DIN EN 13050 2011-09 Curtain Walling - Water tightness - Laboratory test under dynamic condition of air pressure and water spray 

DIN EN 13051 2001-11 Curtain walling - Water tightness - Site test 
DIN EN 13141-1 2004-05 Ventilation for buildings - Performance testing of components/products for residential ventilation Part 1: Externally and internally mounted air transfer devices 
DIN EN 14201 2004-04 Blinds and shutters - Resistance to repeated operations (mechanical endurance) - Methods of testing 
DIN EN 14963 2006-12 + Berichtigung 1 2007-06 Roof coverings - Continuous rooflights of plastics with or without upstands - Classification, requirements and test methods, with corrigenda 1 to DIN EN 14963
DIN EN 1873 2006-03 Prefabricated accessories for roofing - Individual roof lights of plastics - Product specification and test methods 

DIN EN 1932 2013-09 External blinds and shutters - Resistance to wind loads - Method of testing 
DIN EN 12444 2001-02 Industrial, commercial and garage doors and gates - Resistance to wind load - Testing and calculation 
DIN 4103-1 1984-07 Internal non-loadbearing partitions; requirements, testing 
DIN 68706-1 2002-02 Interior doors made from wood and wood-based panels Part 1: Door leaves - Concepts, sizes, requirements 
DIN 68706-2 2002-02 Interior doors made from wood and wood-based panels Part 2: Door crozes - Concepts, sizes, installation 

AAMA 501-1 2005 Standard Test Method for Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls and Doors for Water Penetration Using Dynamic Pressure 
AAMA 501-2 2003 Quality Assurance and Diagnostic water Leakage - Field Check of Installed Storefronts, Curtain Walls and Sloped Glazing Systems 
AAMA 501-5 2007 Test Method for Thermal Cycling of Exterior Walls 
ASTM E 283 2004 Standard Test Method for Determining Rate of Air Leakage through Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors under Specified Pressure Differences across the Specimen 
ASTM E 330 2010 Standard Test Method for Structural Performance of Exterior Windows, Doors, Skylights and Curtain Walls by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference 

ASTM E 331 2009 Standard Test Method for Water Penetration of Exterior Windows, Skylights, Doors, and Curtain Walls by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference
RAL-RG 426-I 2010-07 Internal pedestrian doors made of wood and wood based panel products - Quality control - Part I: Door leaves 
RAL-RG 426-II 2010-07 Internal pedestrian doors made of wood and wood based panel products - Quality control - Part II: Door frames 
RAL-RG 426-III 2010-07 Internal pedestrian doors made of wood and wood based panel products - Quality control - Part III: Wetness and splash water proof doors 
ift-Richtlinie FE-07/1 2005-10 Floodwater resistance of windows and doors Requirements, Testing, Classification 

ift-Richtlinie MO-01/1 2007-01 Wall connection of windows - Part 1 Method to determine the fitness for use of weatherproofing systems 
ift-Richtlinie MO (PUR) Montageschaum 2010-04 (Entwurf) Testing of PUR foam for mounting of door frames for internal doors from wood and wood composite materials 
applicable standards: DIN 18100 1983-10 Doors - wall openings for doors with dimensions in accordancewith DIN 4172 
DIN 18101 1985-01 Doors - doors for residential buildings - sizes of door leaves, position of hinges and lock, interdependence of dimensions 
DIN 18111-1 2004-08 Door frames - Steel door frames - Part 1: Standard door frames for rebated doors in masonry 
DIN 18111-2 2004-08 Door frames - Steel door frames - Part 2: Standard door frames for metal stud gypsum walls 

DIN 18111-3 2004-08 Door frames - Steel door frames - Part 3: Special door frames for rebated and unrebated door leaves 
DIN 18111-3 2005-01 Door frames - Steel door frames - Part 3: Special door frames for rebated and unrebated door leaves (AC 1)
DIN 18111-4 2004-08 Door frames - Steel door frames - Part 4: Installation of steel door frames 
DIN EN 12152 2002-08 Curtain walling - Air permeability - Performance requirements and classification 
DIN EN 12154 2000-06 Curtain walling - Watertightness - Performance requirements and classification 

DIN EN 12207 2000-06 Windows and doors - Air permeability - Classification 
DIN EN 12208 2000-06 Windows and doors - Watertightness - Classification 
DIN EN 12210 2003-08 Windows and doors - Resistance to wind load - Classification (includes Corrigendum AC:2002) 
DIN EN 12219 2000-09 Doors - Climatic influences - Requirements and classification 
DIN EN 12424 2000-11 Industrial, commercial and garage doors and gates - Resistance to wind load - Classification 

DIN EN 12425 2000-11 Industrial, commercial and garage doors and gates - Resistance to water penetration - Classification 
DIN EN 12426 2000-11 Industrial, commercial and garage doors and gates - Air permeability - Classification 
DIN EN 12433-1 2000-02 Industrial, commercial and garage doors and gates - Terminology - Part 1: Types of doors
DIN EN 12433-2 2000-02 Industrial, commercial and garage doors and gates - Terminology - Part 2: Parts of doors
DIN EN 12453 2001-02 Industrial, commercial and garage doors and gates - Safety in use of power operated doors - Requirements

DIN EN 12519 2004-06 Windows and pedestrian doors - Terminology 
DIN EN 12604 2000-08 Industrial, commercial and garage doors and gates - Mechanical aspects - Requirements 
DIN EN 12635 2009-02 Industrial, commercial and garage doors and gates - Installation and use 
DIN EN 13116 2001-11 Curtain walling - Resistance to wind load - Performance requirements 
DIN EN 13659 2009-01 Shutters - Performance requirements including safety 

DIN EN 1529 2000-06 Door leaves - Height, width, thickness and squareness - Tolerance classes 
DIN EN 1530 2000-06 Door leaves - General and local flatness - Tolerance classes 
RAL-GZ 695 2010-05 Quality regulations and test specifications for windows, external pedestrian doors, curtain walling and conservatories 
RAL-GZ 716 2013-04 Quality regulations and test specifications for PVC window profile systems 
ift-Richtlinie FE-06/1 2005-08 Testing of mechanical and butt-welded T-connections for PVC windows 

ift-Richtlinie FE-13/1 2011-04 Suitability of PVC profiles for windows 
ift-Richtlinie VE-08/2-1 2011-09 Basis for the evaluation of bonded glazing systems - Part 1: Characterisation of bonded system 
ift-Richtlinie VE-08/2-2 2011-09 Basis for the evaluation of bonded glazing systems - Teil 2: Tests of window systems (building components) 
ift-Richtlinie VE-08/2-3 2011-09 Basis for the evaluation of bonded glazing systems - Teil 3: Quality assurance R
MA-VA-2251 2011-01 Tests with institutions outside the ift-testing laboratories, (ift procedures for ensuring the calibration, traceability and quality ift testing with external test equipment)
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