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建筑五金件-门窗铰链合页CE Marking(欧盟强制CE认证),需要根据EN1935:2002标准来进行CE认证,铰链的质量好坏直接关系到家具与门的使用。南京睿督公司为欧盟公告号实验室国内授权合作机构,专业从事建筑产品CE认证十多年,更多关于N1935 Grade11欧盟公告号CE认证请咨询南京睿督公司,咨询电话:025-8658 3475。
Initial friction torque measurements 初始摩擦扭矩测量
Load-Deformation Test 静载变形测试
Overload Test 过载测试
Shear Strength Test 剪切强度测试
Durability Test 疲劳测试
Corrosion Resistance Test 腐蚀抗性测试
Hinges for use on fire-resistance and/or smoke-control doors 用于防火或烟控门上的铰链附加测试
Hinges for use on burglar-resistance doors 用于防盗门上的铰链附加测试
EN1935:2002 This European standard specifies requirements for single-axis hinges for windows and doors opening in one direction only, whose rotation axis is no more than 30 mm from the face of the sash or door. It covers both fixed pin and lift-off hinges, and contains additional requirements for hinges intended for use on fire doors.
BS EN 1935:2002 classifies door furniture by using an 8-digit coding system. Each digit refers to a particular feature of the product measured against the standard’s performance requirements.
EN1935:2002 Digit 1 – Category of use
Four categories of use are identified:
Grade 1: light duty
Grade 2: medium duty
Grade 3: heavy duty
Grade 4: severe duty
EN1935:2002 Digit 2 – Durability
Three grades are identified for single-axis hinges manufactured to this European standard:
Grade 3: 10,000 test cycles, for light duty hinges on windows only
Grade 4: 25,000 test cycles, for light duty hinges on windows and doors
Grade 7: 200,000 test cycles, for medium, heavy and severe duty hinges on doors only
EN1935:2002 Digit 3 – Test door mass
Eight door mass grades related to single-axis hinges are identified in this European standard as shown in table below.
EN1935:2002 Digit 4 – Suitability for fire/smoke door use
Two grades of suitability are identified for single-axis hinges:
Grade 0: not suitable for fire/smoke resistant door assemblies
Grade 1: suitable for fire/smoke resistant door assemblies subject to satisfactory assessment of the contribution of the single axis hinge to the fire resistance of the specified fire/smoke door assemblies.
EN1935:2002 Digit 5 – Safety
Single-axis hinges are required to satisfy the essential requirements of safety in use. Therefore, only grade 1 is identified.
EN1935:2002 Digit 6 – Corrosion resistance
Five grades of corrosion resistance are identified in accordance with BS EN 1670:2007
Grade 0: no defined corrosion resistance
Grade 1: mild resistance
Grade 2: moderate resistance
Grade 3: high resistance
Grade 4: very high resistance
EN1935:2002 Digit 7 – Security
Two grades of security are identified for single-axis hinges:
Grade 0: not suitable for use on burglar-resistant door assemblies
Grade 1: suitable for applications requiring a degree of security. Annex C of this European standard details the hinge grade to use for the level of security required.
EN1935:2002 Digit 8 – Hinge grade
Fourteen grades are identified in this European standard and are detailed in table 2 below. The full classification is shown in the standard.
从2013年7月1日起,欧盟颁布的建筑产品CPR法规(Construction Product Regulation简称305/2011/EU-CPR法规)已全面取代原来的建筑产品CPD指令(Construction Product Directive简称CPD指令),欧盟305/2011/EU-CPR法规将对建筑产品CE认证的要求更加严格。要求铰链合页CE认证必须由欧盟公告号机构测试并发证。南京睿督公司为欧盟公告号机构NB1301的授权机构。能为您提供专业权威的铰链合页CE认证证书及相关服务。咨询电话:025-8658 3475。
CPR法规 http://www.hksmartps.com/ce/cpr/
建材CE认证 http://www.hksmartps.com/ce/
南京睿督公司专业从事建材欧盟CE认证十多年,已协助国内众多建材厂家成功取得欧盟公告号颁发的建材CE认证证书,更多关于EN1935 Grade11欧盟公告号CE认证具体认证流程及注意事项,请咨询南京睿督公司
南京睿督公司免费咨询电话:025-8658 3475 400-603-6575
网址:www.hksmartps.com www.fire-test.cn