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建材热值测试的样品研磨/EN ISO1716制样
发布日期:2022-5-17 9:05:30 阅读次数:3851
国标GB/T 14402-2007关于样品的研磨要求是将样品逐次研磨得到粉末状的试样。在研磨的时候不能有热分解发生。样品要采用交错研磨的方式进行研磨。如果样品不能研磨,则可采用其他方式将样品制成小颗粒或片材。南京睿督提供EN ISO1716及GB/T 14402热值测试报告,咨询电话:025-8658 3475。
对应的欧标EN ISO1716-2018有更新描述,如果匀质材料研磨会分解成不同密度的成分,即0.5g样品粉末不能代表原始制品的材料组分,则用适当的方式加工缩减样品,如锯切成圆片,或用小刀切成小块。如这也不可加工,则需要制造商提供单一原料进行测试。In the case of homogeneous material which, when ground, clearly separates into components of different density, so that a 0,5 g sample of the product, when taken from the ground powder, is not representative of the original product with respect to the proportion of the materials present, reduce the sample by any appropriate method, e.g. by sawing the sample into thin discs or by cutting it with a knife into small pieces. If this preparation is not possible, testing shall be conducted on the individual ingredients used in the manufacture of that product.
EN ISO 1716:2018标准概述
EN ISO 1716燃烧总热值测试标准,最新标准版本为EN ISO 1716:2018,建筑产品及材料防火等级EN13501-1标准引用EN ISO 1716进行A1级/A2级测试,EN ISO 1716:2018标准规定了在恒定热容量的氧弹量热仪中,测定产品及材料的燃烧热值的试验方法。EN ISO 1716:2018标准规定了测定总燃烧热值(PCS)的方法。同时也规定了计算净燃烧热值(PCI)的方法。南京睿督公司专业从事防火烟毒测试10年+,专业提供EN ISO 1716:2018最新标准及EN13501-1:2018标准检测,咨询电话:025-8658 3475
EN ISO 1716:2018燃烧热值测试标准
EN ISO 1716:2018 Reaction to fire tests for products. Determination of the gross heat of combustion (calorific value)
EN ISO 1716:2018 产品火灾试验的反应-燃烧总热值(热值)的测定
Status : Current Published : July 2018 Replaces EN ISO 1716:2010, EN ISO 1716:2002
International Relationships EN ISO 1716:2018,ISO 1716:2018
ISO 1716热值测试 https://www.firete.com/news/zhengce/13860.html
EN ISO 1716 / EN 1716燃烧热值测试 https://www.fire-test.cn/newsinfo/2319046.html
更多关于EN ISO1716热值测试,请咨询南京睿督公司
南京睿督咨询电话:025-8658 3475 400-603-6575
网址:www.fire-test.com www.fire-test.cn
对应的欧标EN ISO1716-2018有更新描述,如果匀质材料研磨会分解成不同密度的成分,即0.5g样品粉末不能代表原始制品的材料组分,则用适当的方式加工缩减样品,如锯切成圆片,或用小刀切成小块。如这也不可加工,则需要制造商提供单一原料进行测试。In the case of homogeneous material which, when ground, clearly separates into components of different density, so that a 0,5 g sample of the product, when taken from the ground powder, is not representative of the original product with respect to the proportion of the materials present, reduce the sample by any appropriate method, e.g. by sawing the sample into thin discs or by cutting it with a knife into small pieces. If this preparation is not possible, testing shall be conducted on the individual ingredients used in the manufacture of that product.
EN ISO 1716:2018标准概述
EN ISO 1716燃烧总热值测试标准,最新标准版本为EN ISO 1716:2018,建筑产品及材料防火等级EN13501-1标准引用EN ISO 1716进行A1级/A2级测试,EN ISO 1716:2018标准规定了在恒定热容量的氧弹量热仪中,测定产品及材料的燃烧热值的试验方法。EN ISO 1716:2018标准规定了测定总燃烧热值(PCS)的方法。同时也规定了计算净燃烧热值(PCI)的方法。南京睿督公司专业从事防火烟毒测试10年+,专业提供EN ISO 1716:2018最新标准及EN13501-1:2018标准检测,咨询电话:025-8658 3475
EN ISO 1716:2018燃烧热值测试标准
EN ISO 1716:2018 Reaction to fire tests for products. Determination of the gross heat of combustion (calorific value)
EN ISO 1716:2018 产品火灾试验的反应-燃烧总热值(热值)的测定
Status : Current Published : July 2018 Replaces EN ISO 1716:2010, EN ISO 1716:2002
International Relationships EN ISO 1716:2018,ISO 1716:2018
ISO 1716热值测试 https://www.firete.com/news/zhengce/13860.html
EN ISO 1716 / EN 1716燃烧热值测试 https://www.fire-test.cn/newsinfo/2319046.html
更多关于EN ISO1716热值测试,请咨询南京睿督公司
南京睿督咨询电话:025-8658 3475 400-603-6575
网址:www.fire-test.com www.fire-test.cn