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BS EN 12878:2014 Pigments for the colouring of building materials based on cement and/or lime-Specifications and methods of test.
BS EN 12878:2014水泥和/或石灰基建筑材料着色用颜料 规范和试验方法。
BS EN 12878:2014/EN 12878:2014标准适用范围
This British Standard is the UK implementation of EN 12878:2014. It supersedes BS EN 12878:2005 which is withdrawn.
The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical Committee STI/1, Pigments.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard; either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by October 2014 and confliction national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by January 2016.
根据欧盟相关法规规定,在欧盟市场上销售的建筑颜料产品,需要进行强制的CE认证。颜料欧盟CE认证标准:EN12878基于水泥及石灰的建筑颜料的规定及测试方法(Pigments for the coloring of building materials based on cement and/or Lime---specifications and methods of test)。需要欧盟公告号机构根据欧盟建筑产品法规CPR-305/2011/EU,EN12878标准,采用体系2+进行建筑颜料CE认证。颜料CE认证体系2+:欧盟公告认证机构对工厂及工厂生产控制进行检查,并持续性监督评估。
1、 Setting time(凝固时间)EN 196-3
2、 Water soluble substances(水溶性物质)EN ISO 787-3
3、 Soluble chloride(可溶性氯化物)EN ISO 787-13
4、 Loss on ignition(烧失量)
5、 ……
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