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发布日期:2009-9-23 13:42:36   阅读次数:6216

(31).IEC 332-1-small scale cable propagation test 小面积的燃烧测试

(32).IEC 50267-2:part 1-gas emission test 着火条件下电缆的一般测试方法,电缆材料燃烧过程中放出气体的试验第2-1部分:程序 氢卤酸气体量的测定

IEC 50267-2:part 2-gas emission test着火条件下电缆的一般测试方法,电缆材料燃烧过程中放出气体的试验第2-2部分:程序 通过测量PH量

IEC 50267-3:part 2-gas emission test着火条件下电缆的一般测试方法,电缆材料燃烧过程中放出气体的试验第2-3部分:程序 通过测量PH量

(33).IEC 60754:Part 1-Test on gases evolved during combustion of materials from cable-Part 1:procedures –Determination of amount of halogen acid gas  着火条件下的电缆烟的发展的测试—第1部分程序:测定卤酸气体量

(34). IEC 60754:Part 2- Test on gases evolved during combustion of materials from cable-Part 2:procedures –Determination of degree of acidity of gases for materials by measuring PH and conductivity着火条件下的电缆烟的发展的测试—第1部分程序:通过测量PH量

(35).IMO A.653(16):spread of flame and rate of heat release火焰蔓延速度及热量的释放

(36).IMO Resolution A.652(16)-recommendation on fire test procedures for upholstered furniture 软体家具的防火测试过程

(37).IMO Resolution A.471(Ⅻ) as amended by Res.A563(14):Vertically supported textiles and films 纺织品的垂直表面燃烧测试

(38). IMO Resolution A.688(17)fire test procedures for ignitability of bedding components床垫及用品的燃烧性测试

(39). IMO Resolution MSC 40(64)-full-scale room test for surface products 实体的表面燃烧测试

(40). IMO Resolution MSC 61(67)Annex 1 part 2-smoke and toxicity test烟雾和毒性测试

IMO MSC 61(67) Annex 1 Part 1 Non-combustibility (ISO 1182 Non Combustibility Test) 不燃性测试

IMO MSC 61(67) Annex 1 Part 5 Surface flammability for bulkhead, wall, ceiling and floor linings (Resolution A  653 (16) using ISO 5658-2) 表面燃烧测试

IMO MSC 61(67) Annex 1 Part 6 Surface flammability for primary deck coverings (Resolution A 687  甲板表面燃烧测试

Resolution A 753 (18) Application of Plastic Pipes 塑料管的申请测试

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