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发布日期:2009-9-23 13:44:26   阅读次数:3379

(41).ASTM E 648 standard test method for critical radiant flux of floor-covering systems using a radiant heat energy source 地面材料的热辐射量的测试

(42).ASTM E 662-03-standard test method specific optical density of smoke generated by solid materials 烟密度的测试

(43).NES 711-smoke density test 烟密度的测试

(44).NES 713-Toxic gas emissions 毒性的测试

(45) BS476-3:2004 external fire exposure roof test

BS476-3:2004 室外屋顶的燃烧测试

BS476-4:1970 Non-combustibility test for materials

BS476-4:1970 材料的不燃烧性测试

BS476-5:1979 Method of test of ignitability

BS476-5:1979 可燃性燃烧测试

BS476-6:1989 Method of test for propagation for materials

BS476-6:1989 制品火势蔓延的试验方法

BS476-7:1997 Surface spread of flame test for material


BS476-11:1982 Method for assessing the heat emission from building materials


BS476-12:1991 Ignitability of products by direct flame impingement


BS476-15:1992 Method for measuring heat release of products-cone calorimeter


BS476-20:1987 Method for determination of the fire resistance of elements of construction (general principles) 建筑构件耐火的测定方法(一般原理)


BS476-21:1987 Methods for determination of the fire resistance of loadbearing elements of construction BS476-21:1987 承重构件耐火的测定方法

BS476-22:1987 Methods for determination of the fire resistance of non-loadbearing elements of construction


(46).EN 13501-1:2002 Fire classification of construction products and building element. classification using test data from reaction to fire test 建筑产品燃烧等级分类(根据以下测试方法)

EN ISO 11925-2:2002 Ignitability of building products subjected to direct impingement of flame -- Part 2: Single-flame source test 建筑产品对于直接火焰的可燃性,单火焰测试

EN ISO 13823:2002 Reaction to fire test for building products. Building products excluding floor exposed to the thermal attack by a single burning item通过单体燃烧分析建筑材料(不包括机面材料)的受热情况

EN ISO 9239-1:2002 Reaction to fire test for floorings—Part1:Determination of the burning behaviour using  a radiant heat source 地面系统水平火焰的扩张

EN ISO 1716:2002 Reaction to fire tests for building products-determination of the heat of combustion  建筑产品对火的反应—燃烧释放热量的测试

EN ISO 1182:2002 Reaction to fire tests for building products-nor combustibility test 建筑产品对火的反应-不燃性测试

(47)EN ISO 4589-2:1996/AC:2005 Plastics -- Determination of burning behaviour by oxygen index -- Part 2: Ambient-temperature test 温指数测试

(48)EN ISO 4589-3:1996 Plastics –Determination of burning behaviour by oxygen index –part 3 Elevates temperature test

(49)BS EN 5438:1989 Method of test for flammability of textile fabrics when subjected to a small igniting flame applied to the face or bottom edge of vertically oriented specimens 纺织品的垂直火焰燃烧

(50) NF P 92-501 Radiation test used for rigid materials, or for material on rigid substrates (finishes) of all thicknesses, and for flexible materials thicker than 5 mm 

NF P 92-503 Electrical burner test used for flexible materials 5 mm thick or less

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